About Us

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” addstyles=”overflow: visible !important;” el_class=”about-animation”][vc_column el_class=”rs_col-sm-12″][dt_sc_empty_space margin_lg=”105″ margin_md=”” margin_sm=”” margin_xs=”” el_id=”1512468832698-2ab6670b-502b”][vc_row_inner equal_height=”yes”][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][dt_sc_simple_heading type=”stripe” text=”Stay Focussed Stay Fit & Healthy ” subtag=”h5″ subtext=”” extra_text_tag=”h3″ extra_text=”” class=”vcr_title-right”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi[/dt_sc_simple_heading][vc_column_text]We have searched for an all women’s gym, an actual gym just for women, not a time frame gym with strange hours, not a small section in the corner with a few machines that you have to wait to use. An actual gym where you can workout at any time, that you don’t have to wait or feel uncomfortable. We never found one. So WE created one!!!

Where fitness meets style. Our facility provides comfortability and privacy. Safe and welcoming atmosphere. Catering an experience just for you. Our goal is to help you empower yourself without the awkwardness of a traditional gym. To help you fulfill your needs in a space where you want to return to. To create a community where fitness and family come together.

Big Peach gym is an all women’s gym! 24/7 access, all womens machines and equipment designated specifically for women. Focusing on what matters most to you, whether it be shaving off a few pounds or going for big peach curves. No longer worry about looking over your shoulder, while you’re doing squats, bending over to pick up a dumbbell, or even walking through the door. Feel comfortable in our safe and secure facilities, where only members are able to enter! LGBTQ+ Friendly.

Big Peach Gym, where everything is more than Peachy!

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